What is product photography?


Product photography is the visual art of making a concept, good, or service appealing to a specific audience. It is a technically and artistically focused means of saying “this is what this is” or “this is something that benefits you.”

In a rudimentary form, it can be a simple e-commerce image of an item being sold online. An object against a plain background that communicates its shape and function. It tells the person looking at the image what something is.

As a concept gets more complicated, so too does the imagery that represents it. A product image can communicate more than just the object or the service, but also the core philosophy, lifestyle, and sentiments that are bound up in a good, service, or concept. It becomes more than what something is, and instead what something is about - a story and metaphor provided visually.


Walt Shawlee

Currently located in Kelowna, BC, Canada, Walt is a Canadian Army veteran and foreign aid worker who has spent over two decades in photography in many different corners of the world.

The Bridge

Bridges, by design, are a means of connection. They join landmasses, connect people, enable commerce, and represent the immense enrichment of civilization that comes from being able to transit between two points.

Similarly, art in any form is a means of connection. It passes ideas, emotions, and concepts between people and helps to inspire its audience. Art, like a good bridge, connects and enriches.